Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Letter Distribution

I'm addressing words acceptable in the US - English version of Scrabble and Yahoo Literati. It is helpful to know the availability of letters in the game.

There are 100 tiles .

There are 2 blank tiles. These are wild and you can pick any letter for the tile. The blank tile by itself is worth zero points in play; however, it gives you a wider variety of words to use your tiles on. It is very useful, if you know your words and are aiming for a bingo!

10 distinct lettered tiles are worth exactly 1 point each:
A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T
The letter -e- is available 12 times.
The letters -a- and -i- are available 9 times each.
The letter -o- is available 8 times.
The letters -n- and -r- and -t- are available 6 times each.
The letters -l- and -s- and -u- are available 4 times each.

2 distinct lettered tiles worth exactly 2 points each: D, G
The letter -d- is available 4 times.
The letter -g- is available 3 times.

4 distinct lettered tiles worth exactly 3 points each: B, C, M, P
Each tile is available two times.

5 distinct lettered tiles worth exactly 4 points each: F, H, V, W, Y
Each of these are also available two times.

The K tile occurs once, and is worth exactly 5 points.

2 distinct lettered tiles worth exactly 8 points each: J, X
Each of these are available once.

2 distinct lettered tiles worth exactly 10 points each: Q, Z
Each of these are available once.

In addressing 7-letter words available for play, I'm taking into account this particular tile distribution.

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